Thursday, 19 May 2011

La la la la la, la la.

I don’t usually occupy any accessory as cell phones, IPhones, watches, or things like that. I try to walk weightless; just with a few coins in my pockets and a cigarette box. Just that. But there is something that I can’t be without. Music while I’m walking-or everywhere-. One of the few technologic things that I use daily is my IPod, cuz it unplugged me from the rest -put on my headphones, push play, then I'm with myself-; also, it helps me to create things like “perfect moments”, bringing music to the things I see.
For example: You’re walking in the downtown, is the early winter, the leaves are moist in the ground (making, the lifeless grey of the cobblestones mixed with the sprightly crimson of the leaves, a perfect picture ), and you can smell the frosty and wet soil; the faces are pale because the cold wind, people are buried in their coats as if they were keeping a big secret under their clothes; you're just a walking shadow upstream, giving life to this picture without them knowing - they're just actors on this comedy-; the sun becomes an orphan boat in the vast cloudy ocean, and its rays serves only for bathing the heads out of ideas. At the background sounds "These Days", by Nico, and the gestures of the time are more graceful. The things come alive at your wise.

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